Treating Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence affects people of any age. It isn’t a disease, but rather a symptom of other medical issues. It affects both men and women alike. Individuals that have urinary incontinence can also experience stress caused by embarrassment. Getting medical treatment from a urinary incontinence doctor in NY can help both the physical symptoms and the embarrassment of having incontinence.

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is a condition that occurs when you have uncontrolled leakage of your bladder, causing you to soil your garments. It can be caused by several things, including:

Illness/infections: Being sick or having an infection elsewhere in your body can cause temporary incontinence.

Urge: This incontinence is also known as an overactive bladder. The urge to urinate is quite sudden. Often, when this happens, you need to void suddenly and won’t be able to make it to a restroom in time. Individuals with diabetes or neurological issues may experience this.

Overflow: This occurs when your bladder is full. It can range from small amounts of leakage to complete loss of bladder control.

Stress: This occurs when you place additional stress on your body by lifting or from sneezing or coughing.

Functional: Common in people with physical or cognitive disabilities.

Mixed: A combination of any of the above issues.

How Can a Urologist Help with Incontinence Issues?

Urologists specialize in health issues involving the urinary systems for both men and women. This includes but is not limited to kidney and bladder functions. A urologist will consult with you on what the issue is that you’re experiencing. They will work with your other physicians in diagnosing the problem and may order additional testing. Additional testing may include ultrasounds of your kidneys and bladder. Depending on what is causing your incontinence, a plan of action will then be set in place.

urinary incontinence doctor in NY

What Can Be Done for Urinary Incontinence?

Treatment for incontinence varies depending on the severity of the condition. Below are few examples of treatments available:

Behavioral Management: This course of action advises you to make changes in eating and drinking habits and learning exercises to retrain your bladder muscles.

Medications: If learning muscle control and lifestyle changes aren’t of help, you would be prescribed medications. The drugs mainly used are for muscle control.

Use of absorbent products: Products such as panty liners or disposable undergarments are very helpful as you learn muscle control techniques. Some individuals may need to use them on a regular basis for issues such as urge incontinence.

Surgery: Severe cases of incontinence may require surgery to repair or replace organs of the urinary tract.

Urinary incontinence is a treatable symptom. The symptoms may clear up entirely or be greatly reduced when treated properly with the care of your urologist.