The solar energy systems require inspections and routine maintenance at regular intervals to keep them operating efficiently. Components may need repair or replacement from time to time. You can also take few steps to prevent scaling, corrosion, and freezing of the solar hot water system Sydney to get the best service.

There are few inspections and maintenance tasks which you can handle on your own, but if you encounter a serious problem you might require a qualified technician. You can ask for a cost estimate in writing before having any work done. For few systems, it may be more cost effective to replace, shut off, or remove the solar system than to repair it.

Tips to maintain your solar water heating system:

The first and foremost check is a visual assessment for shading of the collectors during the day, mid-morning, noon, and mid-afternoon, on regular intervals. Shading can adversely affect the performance of solar water heating systems. There can be a vegetation growth over time or new construction on your house or neighbor’s property can produce shading that wasn’t there before when the collectors were installed.

If your solar heater is dusty or filled with soiled collectors, it will perform poorly. Cleaning at regular intervals may be necessary for dry, dusty climates for better results.

You should also look for cracks in the heater, and check to see if the seals are in good condition. If plastic glazing is excessively yellowed, it might need to be replaced.

Make sure you also check the plumbing, ductwork, and wiring connections of your heater.

Also look for fluid leaks at pipe connections, check the duct connections and seals. Ducts must be sealed with a mastic compound and all wiring connections should be tight. Must check the piping, duct and wiring insulation.

The flashing and sealant around the roof penetrations should be in good condition.

You must also check all the nuts and bolts attaching the collectors to support structures for tightness.

Make sure the valve is not open or closed and if possible make sure the dampers open and close properly.

Always verify that distribution pumps or blowers are operating properly. You can listen to see if they come on when the sun is shining on the collectors. If you do not hear a pump or blower operating, then the controller, pump or the blower has malfunctioned.Solar heating collectors need to be replaced periodically with the help of the technicians. If water with a high mineral content is circulated in the heaters the piping system will end up mineral buildup in the piping which will need to be removed by adding a de-scaling or mild acidic solution to the water after a certain period of time.

Must also check the storage tanks, etc., for any cracks, leaks, rust, or other signs of corrosion.These are few tips to maintain your solar water heating system. If you looking for reliable and trustworthy providers you can contact solar hot water system Sydney and get the best heaters in town.