Myths And Facts About Cavities

Cavities are the permanent decay of your tooth or teeth in the form of openings or holes on the surface. They are one of the most common health complications affecting all age groups. Improper oral hygiene, unhealthy eating habits, and the development of excessive bacteria can result in cavities.

Early detection and treatment can help prevent the condition of the cavities from worsening and resulting in tooth loss or infections. Preventive measures such as regular dental checkups, brushing twice, and flossing can help maintain good oral hygiene. Manhattan Dental Design can diagnose you based on the symptoms and other medical tests, understand the cause and treat you accordingly.

FACT: Tooth alignment affects cavities.

Misaligned teeth are harder to clean properly, leading to the build-up of bacteria and remaining food particles. Teeth with cracks and chipped surfaces can also lead to plaque formation. Brushes are not as effective for covering every crevice and surface of the improperly aligned teeth, and proper flossing is more difficult in uneven gaps. Genetically thin enamels and deeply grooved teeth can also be more prone to cavities. A dentist can provide an appropriate solution for you based on your teeth, such as braces to give you a healthy bite and prevent cavities.

MYTH: Only sugar consumption leads to cavities.

Sugar itself does not lead to cavities. It leads to the production of acid on the surface and between your teeth which damages your teeth. Plaque forms after you eat meals, and it is vital to get rid of it with proper brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. Any food item which leads to higher acidity levels in your mouth is harmful to your teeth if a necessary oral hygiene routine is not followed. These acids cause erosion of the enamel, which makes it more sensitive to damage. Plaque forms and hardens into tartar and leads to tooth decay and gum diseases.

FACT: You cannot reverse a cavity after the early stages.

In some cases, cavities are detected at early development stages, and proper healthy techniques can hinder their development. However, it is not always possible, and cavities are irreversible in their later stages. Holes start forming when your enamel deteriorates due to bacteria; the decay can reach the dentin tissue, which leads to pain, the pulp under it, and then beneath it if not treated. Cavities are not painful in most cases at the demineralization stage or enamel decay, so patients might not realize it. Regular dental visits are essential to diagnose them early and prevent negative consequences. Your dentist decides treatment procedures such as fillings, crowns, extractions, and root canals based on the severity and nature of your cavity.