Everything You Should Know and Why You Should Consider In Vitro Fertilization

Are you persistently struggling to get pregnant? You don’t have to worry any longer. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a state-of-art technology-focused to help couples struggling to conceive and give them a chance of adding offspring to their family. Fertility specialist Peter Chang, MD, at New York Noble Fertility Center, has years of  IVF experience collecting eggs and sperm and fertilizing them in a laboratory to make viable embryos when placed in the uterus. Contact the office or schedule an appointment online today to get started on the exceptional assisted reproductive technology.

What Exactly Is In Vitro Fertilization?

IVF is an innovative procedure that assists a woman who has a problem with fertility to get pregnant or couples with concerns on genetic issues in a future baby. This technique has proved to be the most effective type of assisted reproductive technology. During the procedure, the doctor harvests the mature eggs and fertilizes them with sperm in the laboratory. The fertilized eggs develop into an embryo which is placed in the uterus with the hope of implantation and development of the pregnancy.

Who Is The Right Candidate For In Vitro Fertilization?

You are probably wondering whether it is right for you to seek in vitro fertilization. You may be the ideal candidate for undertaking in vitro fertilization if the following apply;

  • Unsuccessful in conceiving naturally and other fertility treatments
  • Advanced maternal age
  • Diagnosed with poor ovarian reserve, or the partner has impaired sperm.
  • Endometriosis
  • Sterilized, damaged, or removed fallopian tubes
  • Persistent pregnancy loss
  • Prefer using a surrogate mother
  • Planning to use donor sperm or egg
  • Required to do genetic embryo testing

Your probability of successfully conceiving with in vitro fertilization will depend on your cause of infertility, age, and the general health of your partner.

What Should You Expect During In Vitro Fertilization?

When you make up your mind to undertake IVF, the procedure involves several steps. These include;

  • Ovarian Suppression

Suppression is the first stage of the procedure and involves prescribing medications to control your egg development and prevent ovulation. You might require daily injections for five to thirty days.

  • Ovarian Stimulation

This stage involves optimizing your egg production, so they are sufficient for collection during the IVF cycle. The doctor will prescribe ovarian stimulating medications to trigger the follicles in your ovaries to release the eggs. As soon as the follicles become mature, you will be given a human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injection to finalize the maturation of the eggs.

  • Egg Retrieval

The doctor puts you under conscious sedation and uses a sonogram to collect the eggs from the ovarian follicle. After retrieval, your partner gives a sperm sample, and you also begin taking a daily dose of progesterone to support early pregnancy.

  • Fertilization

Here, the eggs and the sperm are put together in the laboratory for fertilization.

  • Embryo Transfer

Typically, the fertilized egg attains the blastocyst stage on day five or six. At this stage, the doctor implants the embryo in your uterine lining using the guidance of ultrasound.

If you and your partner are struggling to get pregnant, IVF might be the best option. For more consultations on how it can help you get a pregnancy, call or schedule an appointment online with Noble Fertility Center today.