Understanding healthy hair

We all want to have healthy hair, but it isn’t always as easy as we might think to recognize the signs that tell us whether our hair is thriving or suffering from neglect. Essentially, healthy hair should have a natural shine, a smooth texture, and tips that either end neatly or taper away with a minimum of split ends. But obviously, everyone’s hair is different, and different hair types will have different standards and signifiers of what is considered healthy.

Causes of unhealthy hair

Although it’s fine to try out different looks and hairstyles, as well as to use the many great styling products available, changing style radically too often can damage your hair, particularly if you are trying to move too far away from what is natural for your hair type. Heat styling and frequent dying can damage your hair, so sometimes it’s a good idea to go natural for a while in order to let it recover.

The chlorine in swimming pools can damage your hair if you’re a frequent swimmer, as can pollutants in the atmosphere for those of us who spend a lot of time walking around major cities. Our hair also inevitably changes in quality and consistency as we get older. Some people suffer from genetic conditions that may be inherited, and that can affect the health of their hair. Illnesses, diet and even mental stress can also cause our hair to become out of condition.

Understanding your hair

Your hair consists of protein, specifically a protein known as keratin, and amino acids. The inner cortex is contained within an outer cuticle that protects it. Hair products from Viabrance are also available to help strengthen your hair and to stimulate growth, as well as to improve manageability, volume and appearance. Healthy hair is strong and flexible, but should still be handled with care, using the right Viabrance hair products in the right combination.

You can use conditioner regularly to keep the outer cuticles of your hair smooth and healthy. While the overuse of shampoo can strip out your hair’s essential oils, conditioner helps to lock in moisture. You should condition your hair every time you soak it in the shower. Always carefully brush it through and squeeze out any excess water before applying.

Common signs of damage

Split ends occur naturally as your hair grows and ages. To prevent this, aim to have your hair trimmed more or less every ten weeks. You should also look out for more hair loss than is normal. We all naturally shed hairs all of the time, but if too much seems to be falling out, then this could be a sign of brittle or damaged hair. According to experts, 80 strands a day is considered to be a normal amount to lose. If you seem to be shedding a significant amount in excess to this, then you might need to take better care of your hair.

Dandruff is one of the most obvious signs of unhealthy hair. Actually, however, dandruff is a symptom of a problem with your scalp, rather than your hair itself. A red pigment, itching or other irritations are all signs that your scalp is out of condition. This in turn could be caused by stress, poor diet or other factors. Using an anti-dandruff shampoo can help to clear your hair of these tiny flakes of skin.

Healthy hair

Your hair should feel soft and silky to the touch, not brittle or dry. You should be able to run your fingers through it without them getting caught in a tangle, and there should be no residue or stickiness on your hand afterwards. It should also be able to withstand normal tugging without snapping or falling out. Healthy hair has a natural shine and elasticity, with an even distribution of natural oils throughout your hair.

Taking care of your hair shouldn’t be a chore. By using the right products and getting it trimmed regularly, you should be able to keep your hair in perfect shape. Listen to your hair: you’ll know when it’s suffering and needs some extra attention. Look after it, keep it clean and tidy, and let it know that you love it, and your hair will respond in kind.

It’s true that sometimes circumstances will take their toll on your hair and you may have to give it some extra TLC, but most of the time, our hair is remarkably resilient and almost always bounces back. Whatever your age or natural hair type is, your hair is definitely worth looking after.