Get Rid of That Stubborn Fat

Although you are encouraged to practice a healthy diet and engage in an exercise program to manage your weight and shed some pounds, it might not be enough to eliminate some stubborn pockets of fats. That is why Advanced Plastic Surgery Center’s cosmetic and plastic surgery specialists’ team offers CoolSculpting in Arlington. This is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes fat-freezing technology to destroy the unwanted fats improving your shape. Therefore, no matter how you have tried to get rid of that fat without success, giving coolsculpting a try will not disappoint you.

How it Works

As mentioned above, the CoolSculpting procedure uses the fat-freezing technique to destroy stubborn fat. Just like cryolipolysis, the procedure uses the cellular response to cold to destroy the fatty tissue. Energy is extracted from the fat layers causing the fat cells to die gradually without affecting the neighboring muscles, nerves, and other tissues. Over time, the fat cells get to the lymphatic system and are filtered out as waste.

Areas Targeted

CoolSculpting procedure has been approved to be used in several parts of the body, including:

  •       Underneath the buttocks
  •       Bra area and back fat
  •       Chin area or the double chin
  •       Arms
  •       Flanks or love handle
  •       Inner and outer thighs
  •       Upper and lower abdomen

Therefore, if you have fat in these areas that won’t go away no matter what efforts you put in, CoolSculpting can help you.

The Procedure

Your provider can verify if CoolSculpting is a suitable option for you through some health evaluations. Once it is ok to proceed with the treatment, your provider uses a handheld device with applicators that resemble a vacuum cleaner’s nozzles.

During the procedure, your provider applies a gel in the treatment area and moves the device gently over your skin. An applicator is also applied to deliver controlled cooling to the targeted fat. As the device is moved on your skin, it administers the suctioning and cooling technology.

You can experience some common issues such as feelings of pulling and pinching. However, the entire process should not be painful, and should you experience such, let your provider know. Immediately after the treatment, your provider will massage the treated area to help your body begin absorbing the destroyed fat cells.

The complete procedure can take one to three hours, depending on the treatment area and other factors. However, note that the experience varies from one patient to another.

After CoolSculpting

After you undergo the CoolSculpting procedure, you can expect little to no downtime. You can be approved to resume your normal daily activities immediately. However, you can experience some minor effects such as redness or soreness on the treatment area, but they will recede within a few days or weeks.


You can begin to notice the results after about three weeks after the procedure. However, typical results will be reached after two to three months while the fat flushing process continues for up to six months after the initial treatment. Note that some people may require more than one treatment to get optimal results. Your provider will advise you accordingly and can let you know if another treatment is required.

Now you don’t have to bother about that stubborn fat anymore. Book an appointment with your provider at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center and learn how you can benefit from CoolSculpting.