5 Hydraulic Systems Maintenance Tips you must Learn about

Hydraulic Systems

It is important for all pumps to run at peak efficiency so that they consume less fuel, have economical cost of operation and also experience less downtime. As any of the hydraulicpump manufacturers in India will assert, the time and money spent on the maintenance of pumps will always go towards a well- made investment for their performance. There are several ways in which well-maintained pumps can help reduce costs while simultaneously increasing their efficiency.

Tips on Preventing Hydraulic Problems

One of the basic problems in pumps relates to a decrease in their flow. If you find that there is a visible decrease in the rate of flow of your pump or its output or in case your pump takes a longer period to do the same kind of job it did faster earlier, then you will quickly need to check the following:

1.Is the slowing of the flow due to the collapse of the lining of a suction hose?

2.Is it due to a leaking gasket?

3.Is the suction line plugged or damaged?

4.Do you have an impeller that is worn out?

To find out the exact cause of the problem you will need to start the pump and thereafter measure the discharge pressure as well as the suction vacuum and compare these figures to the readings you had earlier. If the new figures are abnormally different, you will have to troubleshoot and find out whether the cause lies in a discharge line that is clogged, a closed valve or the air is unable to evacuate or there could be an obstruction.In case the pump fails to re-prime as fast as it did earlier, the problem could be due to the face clearance being excessive. If this is ruled out, you will need to check for leaks in the seal, whether or not all the hardware at the gaskets is tight and whether the cut water section is badly worn out.

Similarly, one can find out if the re-circulating port is clogged or the pump is making too much noise. In the first case one can perform a maximum vacuum check and try to locate the problem source. In case of the latter problem when you have a noisy pump the reason would probably be due to a very high suction lift or an excessively long suction hose, the strainer is clogged or the lining has collapsed. It could also be a combination of all or some of these. The best way to trouble shoot a noisy pump is by checking out whether the noise is due to a mechanical or a hydraulic gear pumps manufacturer reason. A noisy pump can be due to failed bearing too.

Frequent clogging of the pump could be due to clogged suction check valve, the strainer being either too large or very small or the clearance of the face can be very wide. It is also possible that the strainer is stuck in the mud thereby blocking the suction from being operational. An overheating pump is possibly due to incorrect clearance of the impeller, a clogged suction strainer or the pump being unable to handle the volume of air through the line for the air release besides an obstructed discharge line.

A Preventive Checklistyt

It is good to have a checklist that confirms the good health of the pump. Some of these points in the checklist include:

1.Checking for air leaks. With the help of a vacuum gauge check the air tightness of the suction line and fittings besides the pipe plugs.

2.Check the lining of the suction hose. A partial blockage of the suction line could be caused if the suction hose pulls away from the fabric. In the case of a high vacuum it is possible for the lining of the hose to block the suction flow. Replace the defective hose.

3.Check out the suction filter or strainer for any blockages.

4.Check the pump thoroughly including its casing, the impeller vanes and the wear plate etc. Check the impeller clearance. Check the seal. Check the bearings and the motor besides the operating condition of the discharge line.