5 signs that you may need IVF/egg donation to have a baby

Is your new year’s resolution starting a family? Or you are dreaming about becoming a mother again after a longer break from motherhood? Or perhaps you have been trying to conceive for more than a year and with no result? No matter what your reasons are, you should know that there are signs that indicate that you might need IVF treatment to help you conceive. For medical reasons some women, apart from IVF, will also need egg donation to realise their dream about being a mother.

If you are under 37-40 andin good health, do not suffer from serious medical condition, then you should be able to get pregnant naturally, via IUI or basic IVF with own eggs. Of course, all cases are different and in each case you need doctor’s consultation. However, if there are other factors involved, you might need donor eggs with your IVF. Egg donation is a reliable and highly successful fertility solution. Donor oocytes always come from young healthy and thoroughly screened donors so you can feel entirely safe undergoing egg donation procedure.

What are the signs that tell you that you might need IVF/egg donation to have a baby?

Sign 1

You are over 40. At this age you most probably have diminished ovarian reserve – as you know your fertility drops significantly after 40. This means the oocytes you have are of low quality.

Sign 2

You hit the menopause early. Typically an average woman experiences menopause when they are 50. For some women menopause starts earlier than usual, sometimes before they are 40. This is called premature ovarian failure (POF) which results in infertility and may also result in other health problems like osteoporosis, heart disease, thyroid or auto-immune problems. With premature ovarian failure your body no longer produces eggs, so your only chance can be undergoing IVF (egg donation).

IVF/egg donation

Sign 3

Multiple IVF failures. If you have a medical history of many failed attempts of IVF with your own eggs and your fertility doctor has confirmed that this may be due to the low quality of your eggs, then IVF combined with egg donation is a treatment for you.

Sign 4

You (and your partner) are carriers of a serious genetic disease which you do not want to be passed on to your child. In order to prevent your future child inheriting the genetic condition from you, you can opt for donor eggs (and/or donor sperm) in your IVF. Egg donation is the best solution here as all oocyte donors are screened for genetic diseases. The child will not be genetically related to you, however you will have a guarantee that they are disease risk free.

Sign 5

History of pregnancy failure. While many reasons of recurrent miscarriage can be identified and treated with medication or surgery (e.g. PCOS, immunologic disorders, uterine abnormality, incompetent cervix, bacterial infection, etc.), some reasons may be unclear and your fertility doctor may recommend treatment together with egg donation. However, this decision needs to be taken after thorough screening and tests performed by your doctor.

If you want to know more about success rates and treatments using donor oocytes, read egg donation reviews of women who have successfully given birth to babies using donor eggs. You can also read more about IVF/egg donation on EggDonationFriends.com which is a free platform raising awareness and offering support, free webinars and assistance to fertility patients.