A Complete Breakdown of IPL Procedure

An IPL or Intense Pulse Laser therapy is a popular cosmetic non-invasive skin procedure that helps deal with signs of aging and other visible skin defects. Popularly known as skin rejuvenation, this procedure can be done either surgically or non-surgically.

IPL or photorejuvenation is a form of light therapy that does not cause any bruising and has a shorter recovery period. The light waves in this procedure heat the skin and eliminate all possible targeted cells. After the procedure and recovery, the skin is left smooth and devoid of potential defects.

Getting a consultation in Downtown DC IPL can help check out whether or not IPL is applicable to solve your skin condition.

IPL boosts collagen production in the skin to help eliminate all the visible signs of aging and helps treat scarred tissue. This procedure can also help treat rosacea by targeting and heating oxyhemoglobin, a compound found in blood, to remove all visible blood vessels and capillaries. Additionally, it plays a vital role in eliminating the blemishes and redness of the skin.

IPL would typically require 2-5 sittings on average to help deal with the varied skin problems. Compared with laser skin resurfacing, IPL does not use a single wavelength of light, whereas laser therapy does. Hence, IPL may not be as effective in dealing with severe scarring as in the case of laser therapy. But the upside is the short recovery time post-procedure.

The IPL procedure requires four weeks of preparation before commencing the procedure. After your trip to the dermatologist, you would be advised to wear sunscreen and avoid sun exposure as much as possible. The doctor will prevent you from taking any medication that is anti-inflammatory in nature or abrasive skincare products. Before the treatment, you would be required to cleanly shave the area where the procedure will occur.

On the day of the procedure, avoid putting on any cosmetics. The dermatologist will provide you with safe eyewear and apply a cooling cream or gel on the area where the procedure will occur. The doctor will then proceed with the cleansing, which should take about 30-40 minutes at best. During the process, you can feel a stinging sensation as the light bursts on your skin’s surface.

It is typical for the treated area to feel sensitive and warm after the procedure, which should gradually subside within a few hours. The recovery phase would require you to avoid exposing the treated area to the sun or even warm water. Wearing sunblock with SPF 30 is mandatory.